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NAPB 04.009-95
NAPB 04.009-95
Guidance on the organization of work of units of the State Fire Department, protecting objects on a contractual basis
NAPB 07.005-95
NAPB 07.005-95
Guide to Fire Protection of Military Units of the Border Troops of Ukraine
NAPB A.01.001-95
NAPB A.01.001-95
Fire safety regulations in Ukraine
NAPB B.02.011-95
NAPB B.02.011-95
Standard provision for departmental fire (fire and patrol) security
NAPB B.02.012-95
NAPB B.02.012-95
Regulation on the procedure and conditions of compulsory personal insurance of workers departmental and local fire protection and members of voluntary fire brigades (teams) regulations
NAPB B.05.003-95
NAPB B.05.003-95
Instructions on the organization of the State Fire Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in settlements, as well as at enterprises and other objects, regardless of ownership
NAPB B.07.009-95
NAPB B.07.009-95
Temporary rates for work related to the examination of design and other documentation on fire safety
NAPB B.07.010-95
NAPB B.07.010-95
Transfer and use of funds from the payment of the cost of the examination of design and other documentation on fire safety
NAPB B.07.011-95
NAPB B.07.011-95
Procedure for crediting and use of funds received from payment of fines by enterprises, institutions and organizations for violation of fire safety requirements established by law, failure to comply with orders (instructions) of officials of state fire su
NAPB V.01.047-95/930
NAPB V.01.047-95/930
Fire safety regulations for institutions, enterprises and cultural organizations
NAPB V.01.048-95/510
NAPB V.01.048-95/510
Fire safety regulations for enterprises and organizations of road facilities
NAPB V.02.004-95/180
NAPB V.02.004-95/180
Temporary Fire Safety Regulations for Sugar Storage Places
NAPB V.05.021-95/510
NAPB V.05.021-95/510
The instruction on office investigation, accounting of fires and their consequences on railway transport
NPAOP 0.00-5.03-95
NPAOP 0.00-5.03-95
Standard Operating Procedure for crane drivers (operators) of jib self-propelled (automobile, caterpillar, rail, pneumatic) cranes
NPAOP 0.00-5.04-95
NPAOP 0.00-5.04-95
Standard operational procedure for slingers (grab drivers) who are serving cranes
NPAOP 0.00-5.05-95
NPAOP 0.00-5.05-95
Standard Operating Procedure for crane drivers (operators) of tower cranes
NPAOP 02.0-1.08-95
NPAOP 02.0-1.08-95
Job safety regulations for trees and stumps removal in the settlements of Ukraine
NPAOP 10.0-5.35-95
NPAOP 10.0-5.35-95
On Approval of the Instruction for Training Coal Mines Workers
NPAOP 29.6-2.01-95
NPAOP 29.6-2.01-95
Temporary List of Hazardous and Highly Dangerous Technological Operations for the Disarmament and Disposal of Ammunition (PRURU)
NPAOP 29.6-7.02-95
NPAOP 29.6-7.02-95
Guidance Document on the Safe Organization of the Production of Disarmament and the Disposal of Ammunition

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