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NAOP 1.1.10-1.12-77
NAOP 1.1.10-1.12-77
Regulatory materials on safety of workers of enterprises of the construction industry of the Ministry of Energy of the USSR. Parts I-III
NAOP 1.1.10-1.13-77
NAOP 1.1.10-1.13-77
Safety regulatory materials for workers in the construction industry enterprises of the USSR Ministry of Energy. Parts III and IV
NAOP 1.1.23-5.12-77
NAOP 1.1.23-5.12-77
Standard instructions for the organization of safe conduct of hot work on main pipelines for liquefied gases
NAOP 1.3.10-1.08-77
NAOP 1.3.10-1.08-77
Rules for technical operation of railway transport of industrial enterprises of the Ministry of Chemical Industry
NAOP 1.3.11-4.02-77
NAOP 1.3.11-4.02-77
Regulations on the sanitary laboratory of chemical industry enterprises
NAOP 1.4.32-8.03-77
NAOP 1.4.32-8.03-77
Classifier of harmful chemicals released during the manufacture of semiconductor devices, as well as oxide and impregnated cathodes
NAOP 1.7.00-5.04-77
NAOP 1.7.00-5.04-77
Passport sanitary condition of working conditions in the shop
NAOP 1.7.30-3.03-77
NAOP 1.7.30-3.03-77
Sectoral standards of artificial lighting for enterprises of the felting-felt area
NAOP 1.7.30-3.07-77
NAOP 1.7.30-3.07-77
Industry standards of artificial lighting for enterprises of artificial leather and film materials
NAOP 1.7.90-3.01-77
NAOP 1.7.90-3.01-77
Industry standards of artificial lighting for enterprises of the porcelain and faience industry
NAOP 1.8.10-5.27-77
NAOP 1.8.10-5.27-77
Standard safety instructions for truck drivers, tractors, wheeled tractor vehicles and maintenance personnel for unloading and laying machines (RUM)
NAOP 1.8.10-5.31-77
NAOP 1.8.10-5.31-77
Collection of standard safety and occupational health instructions for alcohol workers and distilleries (part two)
NAOP 1.8.10-5.46-77
NAOP 1.8.10-5.46-77
Model Safety Instructions and Industrial Sanitation for Non-Alcoholic Workers and Mineral Water Plants
NAOP 5.1.11-5.09-77
NAOP 5.1.11-5.09-77
Standard safety instructions and industrial hygiene for workers of chemical engineering laboratories of railway transport
NAOP 5.2.00-4.02-77
NAOP 5.2.00-4.02-77
Regulations on the occupational safety cabinet at enterprises and organizations of the Ministry of Communications of the USSR
NAOP 5.2.00-6.03-77
NAOP 5.2.00-6.03-77
Recommendations for improving safety in electroplating plants
NAOP 5.2.00-6.04-77
NAOP 5.2.00-6.04-77
Recommendations for Improving Conditions and Improving Safety at Work in Woodworking Workshops and Areas of Enterprises and Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Communications
NAOP 7.1.20-1.21-77
NAOP 7.1.20-1.21-77
Safety regulations and industrial hygiene in confectionery production at consumer cooperation enterprises
NAPB 01.005-77
NAPB 01.005-77
Fire safety regulations for enterprises, organizations and institutions of the USSR Procurement Ministry
NPAON 13.0-5.03-77
NPAON 13.0-5.03-77
Sectoral instructions for geological surveying of the state and movement of proven reserves of iron, manganese and chrome ores at enterprises of the USSR Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy

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