Other UA norms

GSTU 47-083-02.5-2002
GSTU 47-083-02.5-2002
Precious metal alloys jewelery. Palladium based alloys. Methods for determination of palladium
GSTU 47-083-02.6-2002
GSTU 47-083-02.6-2002
Precious metal alloys jewelery. Platinum based alloys. Platinum Methods
GSTU 47-083-02.7-2002
GSTU 47-083-02.7-2002
Precious metal alloys jewelery. Silver based alloys. Silver determination methods
GSTU 47-083-02.8-2002
GSTU 47-083-02.8-2002
Precious metal alloys jewelery. Methods of testing on the stone for jewelry and household items made of precious metals, products and materials containing precious metals
GSTU 55.002-2002
GSTU 55.002-2002
Photodocuments. Rules of storage of the National Archival Fund. Technical requirements
GSTU 75.2-14321156-001-2002
GSTU 75.2-14321156-001-2002
Insurance fund documentation. Preparation and sending for microfilming of project documentation for construction objects. Technical requirements
Instructions for the sanitary and microbiological control of the production of margarine and mayonnaise
Time standards for the main types of parasitological and entomological research in state sanitary and epidemiological institutions. guidelines
The procedure for determining the permissible levels of discharges and emissions of Ukrainian NPPs (Radiation hygiene regulations and groups). State guidelines
Hygienic regulation of paints and varnishes intended for use in construction
Anti-epidemic measures and laboratory diagnosis of leptospirosis. guidelines
NAPB 02.011-2002
NAPB 02.011-2002
Regulations on the Advisory Scientific and Technical Council of the State Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
NAPB 03.004-2002
NAPB 03.004-2002
Standards for equipping facilities and railway vehicles with fire fighting equipment and equipment
NAPB 03.005-2002
NAPB 03.005-2002
Fire Protection. Fire safety design standards for nuclear power plants with water-cooled power reactors
NAPB 04.012-2002
NAPB 04.012-2002
Instructions for studying and analyzing fires
NAPB 05.033-2002
NAPB 05.033-2002
Fire protection of warehouses of flammable and combustible liquids at fuel and energy complex enterprises. Instructions for design, construction and operation
NAPB A.02.001-2002
NAPB A.02.001-2002
Regulations on the State Department of Fire Safety
NPAON 00.0-7.02-02
NPAON 00.0-7.02-02
Equipment for exploration, structural exploration and mapping drilling of wells, technical condition surveys (methodical instructions)
NPAOP 0.00-1.03-02
NPAOP 0.00-1.03-02
Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Cranes
NPAOP 10.0-1.07-02
NPAOP 10.0-1.07-02
Safety requirements for mine conveyor belts and test methods
Price: $231.36
NPAOP 55.0-1.34-02
NPAOP 55.0-1.34-02
Occupational safety rules when laying for storage and primary processing of fruits and vegetables
NPAOP 80.42-1.01-02
NPAOP 80.42-1.01-02
Labor protection regulations for educational institutions, in which specialized education and vocational training of students are carried out according to the car industry
PI 1.1.23-201-2002
PI 1.1.23-201-2002
Exemplary labor protection instruction for a car repairman
PI 1.1.23-202-2002
PI 1.1.23-202-2002
Exemplary instruction on labor protection for a plumber
PI 1.1.23-203-2002
PI 1.1.23-203-2002
Exemplary Labor Protection Instructions for the Vulcanizer
PI 1.1.23-204-2002
PI 1.1.23-204-2002
Exemplary labor protection instruction for a battery
PI 1.1.23-205-2002
PI 1.1.23-205-2002
Exemplary labor protection instruction for turner
PI 1.1.23-206-2002
PI 1.1.23-206-2002
Exemplary instruction on labor protection for the miller
PI 1.1.23-207-2002
PI 1.1.23-207-2002
Exemplary instruction on labor protection for the operator of main gas pipelines
PI 1.4.40-208-2002
PI 1.4.40-208-2002
Exemplary Instructions on labor protection for a mechanic for mechanical assembly work
PI 9.0.20-196-2002
PI 9.0.20-196-2002
Exemplary labor protection instruction for inspectors from the inventory of the technical inventory bureau
PI 9.7.00-197-2002
PI 9.7.00-197-2002
Exemplary instruction on labor protection in the operation of vehicles in the customs authorities
PI 9.7.00-198-2002
PI 9.7.00-198-2002
Exemplary instruction on labor protection during the customs inspection of dangerous goods
PI 9.7.00-199-2002
PI 9.7.00-199-2002
Exemplary instruction on labor protection when working on personal electronic computers
PI 9.7.00-200-2002
PI 9.7.00-200-2002
Exemplary instruction on labor protection for the driver of a car of 3, 2, 1 class (heavy trucks with large carrying capacity and trucks)
STP 320.30019801.017-2002
STP 320.30019801.017-2002
Provisions on material incentives for saving energy resources in the Ukrtransgaz DC
STP 320.30019801.041-2002
STP 320.30019801.041-2002
Provisions and guidelines for the certification of sanitary-technical condition of working conditions at the production facilities of the recreation center "Ukrtransgaz"
STP 320.30019801.042-2002
STP 320.30019801.042-2002
Sanitary-technical passport of working conditions at production facilities of the recreation center "Ukrtransgas"
STP 320.30019801.043-2002
STP 320.30019801.043-2002
Underground gas storage. The technology of well treatment with sealing components to prevent gas manifestations and identify the mechanism of gas flow through the cemented space
STP 320.30019801.044-2002
STP 320.30019801.044-2002
Metrological Assurance. Microprocessor systems for gas flow measurement. calibration procedure
STP 320.30019801.045-2002
STP 320.30019801.045-2002
Technical and technological requirements for gas measuring stations DK "Ukrtransgas"
STP 320.30019801.047-2002
STP 320.30019801.047-2002
List of buildings, structures, premises and open technological platforms with installation of their categories for explosion and fire hazard, as well as classes of explosion and fire hazardous zones according to the PUE
STP 320.30019801.048-2002
STP 320.30019801.048-2002
List of buildings, structures, industrial, residential and public premises to be equipped with automatic fire extinguishing and fire alarm systems
STP 320.30019801.049-2002
STP 320.30019801.049-2002
Methods for measuring and evaluating production noise at workplaces and in the service area of process equipment for certification of sanitary and technical conditions of working conditions at recreation centers Ukrtransgaz
STP 320.30019801.050-2002
STP 320.30019801.050-2002
Instructions on the procedure for receiving, transporting, storing and applying the odorant at the facilities of the recreation center "Ukrtransgas"
STP 320.30019801.051-2002
STP 320.30019801.051-2002
Regulations on the maintenance of imported bulldozers and pipelayers, which are operated in DC "Ukrtransgaz"
STP 320.30019801.052-2002
STP 320.30019801.052-2002
Trunk gas pipelines. Passing in-pipe facilities at the gas pipeline section
STP 320.30019801.053-2002
STP 320.30019801.053-2002
Trunk gas pipelines. Maintenance and repair of underwater crossings

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