NAOP 1.1.21-5.06-80
NAOP 1.1.21-5.06-80
Instruction on the organization of safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians in the territory of enterprises and organizations of the oil refining and petrochemical industries
NAOP 1.1.23-1.18-80
NAOP 1.1.23-1.18-80
Rules of technical operation of gas supply systems of the Ukrainian SSR
NAOP 1.1.30-4.02-80
NAOP 1.1.30-4.02-80
Temporary position on the emergency communication system in the coal industry
NAOP 1.1.30-4.03-80
NAOP 1.1.30-4.03-80
Regulations on a single typical system of preventive safety measures and industrial sanitation at mines of the USSR Ministry of Coal Industry
NAOP 1.1.30-6.02-80
NAOP 1.1.30-6.02-80
Coal Mine Degassing Guide
NAOP 1.3.10-3.03-80
NAOP 1.3.10-3.03-80
Industry standards of artificial lighting of enterprises for the production of fiberglass
NAOP 1.3.10-3.04-80
NAOP 1.3.10-3.04-80
Industry standards for artificial lighting of glass fiber enterprises
NAOP 1.4.32-4.01-80
NAOP 1.4.32-4.01-80
Model Regulations on the Methodical Cabinet for the Labor Protection of Enterprises
NAOP 1.4.73-4.01-80
NAOP 1.4.73-4.01-80
Model regulation on the organization of work on occupational safety and health in industrial associations, enterprises and organizations of the Ministry
NAOP 1.5.20-6.05-80
NAOP 1.5.20-6.05-80
Recommendations for ensuring safe working conditions in wood toning areas with aniline dyes
NAOP 1.5.20-6.06-80
NAOP 1.5.20-6.06-80
Recommendations for ensuring safe working conditions in the manufacture of products from flexible polyurethane foam by the method of "cold forming"
NAOP 1.5.20-6.09-80
NAOP 1.5.20-6.09-80
Guidelines for the measurement and comparison with the norms of the parameters of noise, vibration, gas pollution and dustiness of air, artificial and natural lighting and the microclimate in woodworking enterprises
NAOP 1.8.10-4.01-80
NAOP 1.8.10-4.01-80
Unified system of labor protection organization
NAOP 1.8.10-5.01-80
NAOP 1.8.10-5.01-80
Standard safety instructions and industrial hygiene for electricians sugar factories
NAOP 1.8.10-5.02-80
NAOP 1.8.10-5.02-80
Standard safety instructions and industrial hygiene for machinists deaerating plants of sugar factories
NAOP 1.8.10-5.20-80
NAOP 1.8.10-5.20-80
Instruction manual (typical) for safety and industrial sanitation for a cook who works on semi-continuous and periodic cooking facilities
NAOP 1.8.10-5.37-80
NAOP 1.8.10-5.37-80
Instructions (standard) on safety during the unloading of grain from grain wagons at the enterprises of the alcohol industry
NAOP 1.8.10-5.41-80
NAOP 1.8.10-5.41-80
Standard Safety Instructions and Industrial Sanitation for Sterilization Instructors
NAOP 1.9.40-6.01-80
NAOP 1.9.40-6.01-80
Guidelines for the three-step control of occupational safety in enterprises and organizations of the region
NAOP 1.9.70-2.01-80
NAOP 1.9.70-2.01-80
Typical standard of an enterprise for labor safety. Non-standard production equipment. General safety requirements
NAOP 1.9.70-4.01-80
NAOP 1.9.70-4.01-80
Regulations on the organization of work on labor protection in the local industry of the Ukrainian SSR
NAOP 3.0.00-3.01-80
NAOP 3.0.00-3.01-80
Standard industry norms for the free issuance of workwear, footwear and other personal protective equipment for workers and employees of logging, timber-alloying, timber-transshipment, forestry enterprises and chemical forest farms
NAOP 3.0.00-4.04-80
NAOP 3.0.00-4.04-80
Regulations on the basic enterprise for labor protection of the USSR State Forestry Committee system
NAOP 3.0.00-4.06-80
NAOP 3.0.00-4.06-80
Regulations on the working hours and rest time of workers and employees engaged in forestry and forestry, and the order of remuneration for extended and reduced work shifts
NAOP 5.1.11-4.02-80
NAOP 5.1.11-4.02-80
Regulations on the occupational safety office for railway transport
NAOP 5.1.21-4.05-80
NAOP 5.1.21-4.05-80
Regulations on the occupational safety office at enterprises and organizations of the USSR Ministry of Fleet
NAOP 5.1.30-1.04-80
NAOP 5.1.30-1.04-80
Rules for the transport of radioactive substances by civil aircraft
NAOP 5.1.30-4.12-80
NAOP 5.1.30-4.12-80
Regulations on the cabinet of labor protection of enterprises and organizations of civil aviation
NAOP 9.0.00-5.04-80
NAOP 9.0.00-5.04-80
Occupational safety instructions for electricians from daily technical supervision of elevators
NAOP 9.1.80-3.01-80
NAOP 9.1.80-3.01-80
Sectoral standards for the free issuance of workwear, footwear and other personal protective equipment for employees of institutions and enterprises of the system of the Ministry of Social Security of the Ukrainian SSR
NPAOP 0.00-3.04-80
NPAOP 0.00-3.04-80
Standard Industry Specifications for free issue of special-purpose clothing, special-purpose footwear and other personal protection equipment to members of the voluntary gas rescue brigades and assisting mountain rescue teams
NPAOP 0.00-3.10-80
NPAOP 0.00-3.10-80
Standard Industry Specifications for free issue of special-purpose clothing, special-purpose footwear and other personal protection equipment to workers and employees of machinery and metalworking production
NPAOP 0.00-5.33-80
NPAOP 0.00-5.33-80
Instruction on the safe conducting of mining operations on ore and non-ore mining, prone of a rock burst
NPAOP 17.12-7.10-80
NPAOP 17.12-7.10-80
Manufacturing processes at the enterprises of the wool industry. Safety Requirements
NPAOP 20.1-7.01-80
NPAOP 20.1-7.01-80
OSSS. Production of fibreboard. Safety Requirements.
NPAOP 22.2-3.44-80
NPAOP 22.2-3.44-80
Standard industry specifications for free issue of special-purpose clothing, special-purpose footwear and other personal protection equipment to workers and employees of printing production and book trade
NPAOP 24.0-7.17-80
NPAOP 24.0-7.17-80
Autoclaves with quick release covers. Safety Requirements.
NPAOP 24.1-3.17-80
NPAOP 24.1-3.17-80
Standard industry specifications for free issue of special-purpose clothing, special-purpose footwear and other personal protection equipment to workers and employees of stations and workshops of producer gas blowdown
NPAOP 24.4-3.37-80
NPAOP 24.4-3.37-80
Standard industry specifications for free issue of special-purpose clothing, special-purpose footwear and other personal protection equipment to workers and employees of the production of medicines, medical and biological products and materials
NPAOP 24.4-3.38-80
NPAOP 24.4-3.38-80
Standard industry specifications for free issue of special-purpose clothing, special-purpose footwear and other personal protection equipment to workers and employees of the microbiological industry
NPAOP 24.4-3.39-80
NPAOP 24.4-3.39-80
Standard industry specifications for free issue of special-purpose clothing, special-purpose footwear and other personal protection equipment to employees of Health care and social welfare institutions, medical research and educational establishments, productions of bacterial and biological preparations, materials, training aids on preparation, growing and processing of medicinal leeches
NPAOP 28.52-7.11-80
NPAOP 28.52-7.11-80
Electrowelding. Safety Requirements
NPAOP 28.52-7.12-80
NPAOP 28.52-7.12-80
Occupational Safety in welding on thread-mechanized lines. General Requirements
NPAOP 28.52-7.28-80
NPAOP 28.52-7.28-80
Arc and electroslag welding. Safety Requirements
NPAOP 28.5-7.14-80
NPAOP 28.5-7.14-80
Electrochemical abrasive cutter sharpening. Safety Requirements
NPAOP 28.5-7.16-80
NPAOP 28.5-7.16-80
Contact welding. Safety Requirements.
NPAOP 28.5-7.17-80
NPAOP 28.5-7.17-80
Oxygen cutting. Safety Requirements
NPAOP 28.62-7.07-80
NPAOP 28.62-7.07-80
Dies for forging. Tools for forging works. General Safety Requirements

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