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DSTU-N B EN 13369:2013
General rules for precast concrete products (EN 13369: 2004 A1: 2006, IDT)
DSTU-N B EOTA GD 002:2013
Establishment of the service life of building products in installations with European technical acceptance in European technical approvals and harmonized standards (EOTA GD 002: 1999, IDT)
DSTU-N B EOTA GD 003:2013
Estimated life of products (EOTA GD 003: 1999, IDT)
DSTU-N B EOTA GD 004:2013
Providing data for assessments for issuing ETA (EOTA GD 004: 1999, IDT)
DSTU-N B EOTA GD 005:2013
Reference material to ETAGs, explanatory documents in ETAGs, ETAGs update order (EOTA GD 005: 1999, IDT)
DSTU-N B EOTA GD 006:2013
The list of control questions of the authority on the aspects of production control in the enterprise in the process: preparation of the ETAG or CUAP; development and issuance of ETA (EOTA GD 006: 2003, IDT)
DSTU-N B ETAG 007:2013
Guidance on European technical adoption of wooden frame building sets (ETAG 007: 2001, IDT)
DSTU-N B ETAG 017:2013
Guidance on European technical acceptance of insulation kits. Precast systems for external wall insulation (ETAG 017: 2005, IDT)
DSTU-N B ETAG 023:2013
Guidance on European technical acceptance of prefabricated building elements (ETAG 023: 2006, IDT)
DSTU-N B ETAG 024:2013
European Technical Adoption Guidelines for Concrete Building Frames (ETAG 024: 2006, IDT)
DSTU-N B ETAG 025:2013
Guidance for European Technical Adoption of Kits for Metal Frame Buildings (ETAG 025: 2006, IDT)
DSTU-N B V.1.1-32:2013
Guidelines for the design of noise protection in rooms with sound absorption and shielding
DSTU-N B V.1.1-33:2013
Guidelines for the calculation and design of noise protection in residential areas
DSTU-N B V.1.1-34:2013
Guidance on the calculation and design of sound insulation of enclosing structures of residential and public buildings
DSTU-N B V.1.1-35:2013
Guidance for the calculation of noise levels in rooms and territories
DSTU-N B V.1.2-16:2013
Definition of the class of consequences (responsibility) and the category of complexity of construction objects
DSTU-N B V.2.1-28:2013
Guidelines for the conduct of earthworks and construction of foundations and the construction of foundations (SNiP 3.02.01-87, MOD)
DSTU-N B V.2.2-36:2013
Guide to arranging flower beds and gravestone fences
DSTU-N B V.2.2-37:2013
Guide for the design, installation and operation of two-seat pneumatic structures (СН 497-77, MOD)
DSTU-N B V.2.2-38:2013
Guide to the device of fire elevators in buildings and structures
DSTU-N B V.2.5-65:2013
Guidance on the design and use of electrical heating systems for residential and public buildings
DSTU-N B V.2.5-69:2013
Guidelines for the design of internal engineering communications in collectors, technical undergrounds and technical corridors
DSTU-N B V.2.5-70:2013
Collector tunnels constructed by the method of shield penetration. Guidelines for the construction and acceptance of work (СН 322-74, МD)
DSTU-N B V.2.5-71:2013
Wastewater treatment plants. Design Guide (SN 496-77, MOD)
DSTU-N B V.2.5-72:2013
Trunk water lines and sewers. Guidelines for determining the bandwidth of land acquisition (СН 456-73, МD)
DSTU-N B V.2.5-73:2013
Installation Guide for Internal Sanitary Systems (SNiP 3.05.01-85, MOD)
DSTU-N B V.2.6-186:2013
Guidelines for the Protection of Building Construction Structures from Corrosion
DSTU-N B V.2.6-188:2013
Guidelines for the design of fencing sites and sites of enterprises, buildings and structures (СН 441-72, MOD)
DSTU-N B V.2.6-190:2013
Guidelines for the design assessment of indicators of heat resistance and heat absorption of walling
DSTU-N B V.2.6-191:2013
Guidelines for the calculation of air permeability of walling
DSTU-N B V.2.6-192:2013
Guidelines for the design assessment of the heat-moisture state of walling
DSTU-N B V.2.7-298:2013
Guidelines for the preparation and use of road bitumen modified with polymers
DSTU-N B V.2.7-299:2013
Guidelines for determining the composition of heavy concrete
Food recipe products that are used in weight control diets. General Requirements (CODEX STAN 181-1991, IDT)
Recipe food products that are used in low-energy diets for weight loss. General requirements (CODEX STAN 203-1995, IDT)
DSTU-N PMG 44:2013
Measurements. Recognition of measurement procedures (SGP 44-2001, IDT)
DSTU-N RMG 63:2013
Measurements. Ensuring measurement efficiency in process control. Metrological examination of technical documentation (RMG 63-2003, IDT)
DSTU-N RMG 95:2013
Reference to standards in technical regulations (RMG 95-2009, IDT)
DSTU-P CEN/TS 15370-1:2013
Solid biofuel. Method for determining ash melting characteristics. Part 1. Characteristic temperatures (CEN/TS 15370-1: 2006, IDT)
DSTU-P IEC/TR 62357:2013
Energy system management and related communications. Reference Architecture for Object Models, Services and Protocols (IEC/TR 62357: 2003, IDT)
DSTU-P ISO/TR 11211:2013
Diamonds. Certification Terminology and classification (ISO/TR 11211: 1995, IDT)
DSTU-P ISO/TR 11330:2013
Hydrometry. Determination of the volume and level of water in lakes and reservoirs
DSTU-P ISO/TR 13487:2013
Wheeled vehicles. Braking. The calculated method of determining the average limit deceleration (iso/tr 13487: 1997, idt)
DSTU-P ISO/TS 14048:2013
Environmental Management. Life cycle assessment. Data Documentation Format (ISO/TS 14048: 2002, IDT)
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