DSTU ISO 13909-2:2005
DSTU ISO 13909-2:2005
Hard coal and coke -- Mechanical sampling -- Part 2: Coal -- Sampling from moving streams
DSTU ISO 13909-3:2005
DSTU ISO 13909-3:2005
Hard coal and coke -- Mechanical sampling -- Part 3: Coal -- Sampling from stationary lots
Price: $1,004.78
DSTU ISO 13909-4:2005
DSTU ISO 13909-4:2005
Hard coal and coke -- Mechanical sampling -- Part 4: Coal -- Preparation of test samples
Price: $1,130.64
DSTU ISO 13969:2005 (IDF 183:2003)
DSTU ISO 13969:2005 (IDF 183:2003)
Milk and milk products -- Guidelines for a standardized description of microbial inhibitor tests
DSTU ISO 14015:2005
DSTU ISO 14015:2005
Environmental management -- Environmental assessment of sites and organizations (EASO)
DSTU ISO 14156:2005 (IDF 172:2001)
DSTU ISO 14156:2005 (IDF 172:2001)
Milk and milk products -- Extraction methods for lipids and liposoluble compounds
DSTU ISO 14159:2005
DSTU ISO 14159:2005
Safety of machinery -- Hygiene requirements for the design of machinery
Price: $685.02
DSTU ISO 14235:2005
DSTU ISO 14235:2005
Soil quality -- Determination of organic carbon by sulfochromic oxidation
DSTU ISO 14254:2005
DSTU ISO 14254:2005
Soil quality -- Determination of exchangeable acidity in barium chloride extracts
DSTU ISO 14255:2005
DSTU ISO 14255:2005
Soil quality -- Determination of nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen and total soluble nitrogen in air-dry soils using calcium chloride solution as extractant
DSTU ISO 14419:2005
DSTU ISO 14419:2005
Textiles -- Oil repellency -- Hydrocarbon resistance test
DSTU ISO 1442:2005
DSTU ISO 1442:2005
Meat and meat products -- Determination of moisture content (Reference method)
DSTU ISO 1443:2005
DSTU ISO 1443:2005
Meat and meat products -- Determination of total fat content
DSTU ISO 1444:2005
DSTU ISO 1444:2005
Meat and meat products -- Determination of free fat content
DSTU ISO 14442:2005
DSTU ISO 14442:2005
Water quality -- Guidelines for algal growth inhibition tests with poorly soluble materials, volatile compounds, metals and waste water
DSTU ISO 14507:2005
DSTU ISO 14507:2005
Soil quality -- Pretreatment of samples for determination of organic contaminants
DSTU ISO 14593:2005
DSTU ISO 14593:2005
Water quality -- Evaluation of ultimate aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds in aqueous medium -- Method by analysis of inorganic carbon in sealed vessels (CO2 headspace test)
DSTU ISO 14675:2005 (IDF 186:2003)
DSTU ISO 14675:2005 (IDF 186:2003)
Milk and milk products -- Guidelines for a standardized description of competitive enzyme immunoassays -- Determination of aflatoxin M1 content
DSTU ISO 14694:2005
DSTU ISO 14694:2005
Industrial fans -- Specifications for balance quality and vibration levels
DSTU ISO 14695:2005
DSTU ISO 14695:2005
Industrial fans -- Method of measurement of fan vibration
DSTU ISO 14869-1:2005
DSTU ISO 14869-1:2005
Soil quality -- Dissolution for the determination of total element content -- Part 1: Dissolution with hydrofluoric and perchloric acids
DSTU ISO 14869-2:2005
DSTU ISO 14869-2:2005
Soil quality -- Dissolution for the determination of total element content -- Part 2: Dissolution by alkaline fusion
DSTU ISO 14870:2005
DSTU ISO 14870:2005
Soil quality -- Extraction of trace elements by buffered DTPA solution
DSTU ISO 14912:2005
DSTU ISO 14912:2005
Gas analysis -- Conversion of gas mixture composition data
DSTU ISO 15009:2005
DSTU ISO 15009:2005
Soil quality -- Gas chromatographic determination of the content of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons, naphthalene and volatile halogenated hydrocarbons -- Purge-and-trap method with thermal desorption
DSTU ISO 15119:2005
DSTU ISO 15119:2005
Packaging -- Sacks -- Determination of the friction of filled sacks
DSTU ISO 15174:2005 (IDF 176:2002)
DSTU ISO 15174:2005 (IDF 176:2002)
Milk and milk products -- Microbial coagulants -- Determination of total milk-clotting activity
DSTU ISO 15175:2005
DSTU ISO 15175:2005
Soil quality -- Characterization of soil related to groundwater protection
DSTU ISO 15178:2005
DSTU ISO 15178:2005
Soil quality -- Determination of total sulfur by dry combustion
DSTU ISO 15351:2005
DSTU ISO 15351:2005
Steel and iron -- Determination of nitrogen content -- Thermal conductimetric method after fusion in a current of inert gas (Routine method)
DSTU ISO 15473:2005
DSTU ISO 15473:2005
Soil quality -- Guidance on laboratory testing for biodegradation of organic chemicals in soil under anaerobic conditions
DSTU ISO 15522:2005
DSTU ISO 15522:2005
Transport information and control systems -- Adaptive Cruise Control Systems -- Performance requirements and test procedures
DSTU ISO 15610:2005
DSTU ISO 15610:2005
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials -- Qualification based on tested welding consumables
DSTU ISO 15613:2005
DSTU ISO 15613:2005
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials -- Qualification based on pre-production welding test
DSTU ISO 15685:2005
DSTU ISO 15685:2005
Soil quality -- Determination of potential nitrification and inhibition of nitrification -- Rapid test by ammonium oxidation
DSTU ISO 15695:2005
DSTU ISO 15695:2005
Vitreous and porcelain enamels -- Determination of scratch resistance of enamel finishes
DSTU ISO 15700:2005
DSTU ISO 15700:2005
Leather -- Tests for colour fastness -- Colour fastness to water spotting
DSTU ISO 15799:2005
DSTU ISO 15799:2005
Soil quality -- Guidance on the ecotoxicological characterization of soils and soil materials
DSTU ISO 15800:2005
DSTU ISO 15800:2005
Soil quality -- Characterization of soil with respect to human exposure
DSTU ISO 16072:2005
DSTU ISO 16072:2005
Soil quality -- Laboratory methods for determination of microbial soil respiration
DSTU ISO 16133:2005
DSTU ISO 16133:2005
Soil quality -- Guidance on the establishment and maintenance of monitoring programmes
DSTU ISO 16387:2005
DSTU ISO 16387:2005
Soil quality -- Effects of pollutants on Enchytraeidae (Enchytraeus sp.) -- Determination of effects on reproduction and survival
DSTU ISO 1652:2005
DSTU ISO 1652:2005
Rubber latex -- Determination of apparent viscosity by the Brookfield test method
DSTU ISO 16586:2005
DSTU ISO 16586:2005
Soil quality -- Determination of soil water content as a volume fraction on the basis of known dry bulk density -- Gravimetric method
DSTU ISO 16664:2005
DSTU ISO 16664:2005
Gas analysis -- Handling of calibration gases and gas mixtures -- Guidelines
DSTU ISO 16772:2005
DSTU ISO 16772:2005
Soil quality -- Determination of mercury in aqua regia soil extracts with cold-vapour atomic spectrometry or cold-vapour atomic fluorescence spectrometry
DSTU ISO 17155:2005
DSTU ISO 17155:2005
Soil quality -- Determination of abundance and activity of soil microflora using respiration curves
DSTU ISO 17227:2005
DSTU ISO 17227:2005
Leather -- Physical and mechanical tests -- Determination of dry heat resistance of leather

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